Silk Road forums

Support => Feature requests => Topic started by: The Godfather on April 20, 2012, 06:47 am

Title: The Rating System
Post by: The Godfather on April 20, 2012, 06:47 am
Hi there all,

I have been looking around Silk Road for some time now and I think it's missing a feature that would be VERY useful and DPR should definitely look into it!

Firstly, ratings that are 1 and 2 out of 5 should be considered "Negative" feedback, ratings of 3 out of 5 should be considered "Neutral" feeback and ratings 4 and 5 out of 5 should be considered "Positive" feedback.

Secondly, we should then be able to sort by rating: "Negative", "Neutral" and "Positive" so that when we are buying from a vendor we can easily and quickly find their negative feedback so we can see the reasons for that feedback and this will help us better decide if we want to deal with a vendor or not.

Vendors should also be able to rate buyers according to how they dealt with the transaction and how pleasant it was to work with that specific buyer so that other vendors in the future can see if they want to deal with that buyer based on reviews of other vendors. This would benefit everyone because a vendor who does their best but still gets a bad rating from a buyer can then also give negative feedback about the buyer in regards to that transaction.

What do you guys think?

The Godfather
Title: Re: The Rating System
Post by: novocaine on April 20, 2012, 06:59 am
This has been brought up many times and so far it has fallen on deaf ears for reasons unknown.
Repetition is key. Maybe  we will wake up one morning and it will happen ;)
Title: Re: The Rating System
Post by: mdmamail on April 20, 2012, 07:13 am
Implement the exact same rating system #bitcoin-otc web of trust uses. Might as well make everything standard :)